Naughty Girl was created by Sienna Sinclaire, owner of Naughty Los Angeles and Naughty Travels. Sinclaire has written five travel books, two of which won awards for Best Travel Guide.
Sinclaire is extremely driven and always coming up with new business ideas. She currently lives in LA where she hosts monthly naughty parties along with hosting private events for those looking for something a little more intimate.
She also lives part-time in San Francisco where will begin hosting monthly parties with Naughty SF. When she’s not in LA or SF, she’s traveling the world. Her passion is traveling and she’s been to 75 countries and counting. Naughty Girl made sense for Sinclaire because of her travels and her parties. Everyone is always looking for something sexy or naughty to wear to one of her events. When she travels, she constantly gets asked where she buys her clothes. With her combined love of fashion, travel and hosting events…Naughty Girl was born!
The Naughty Girl Shop
Business Information:
5709 Cahuenga Blvd. North Hollywood, CA 91601
Phone Number:
Business Website: